Arfeen BiBi, a graduate of 2005, shares how her experience in Hip Wo led her to become an English teacher. She was one of the first few Pakistani girls in Hong Kong to be admitted to HKU to complete her undergraduate studies. She was on the dean's honor list for four consecutive years. She also received the HKU Alumni Award in 2009 for her outstanding result in the Faculty of Education. Arfeen BiBi是2005年的畢業生,她分享了協和如何引領她成為一位英文老師的經歷。同時,她是在香港首批極少數能入讀香港大學並完成本科學位的巴基斯坦藉女性。她曾連續四年名列於院長榮譽名單並因其突出成績於2009年獲得香港大學教育學院頒發香港大學校友獎。
Live DemoMJ, a graduate of 2012, shares how his passion for boxing and Muay Thai became a reality. He recounted how he strived for advancement despite adversity in a boxing ring. He offered some tips on how you can pursue your dream and never give up.MJ是2012年的畢業生,他分享了他如何將對拳擊與泰拳的熱情轉變為真實。他訴說了他如何在場環內即使面對逆境仍奮發向前。他提供了一些關於你可以如何追尋夢想及永不放棄的提示。
Live DemoJeff, a graduate of 2002, is one of the first ethnic minority social workers in Hong Kong. He shares how he went off the rails after graduating F.5 and become a social worker from his adversity. Recently, he was awarded the Secretary of Home Affairs’ Commendation Award for his dedicated service and outstanding contributions to creating racial harmony and integration in Hong Kong.Jeffery Andrews,本校2002年畢業校友,同時也是香港首位少數族裔社工。最近,他因多年來服務社會,特別在促進種族和諧方面的傑出貢獻,獲頒民政事務局局長嘉許計劃嘉許狀。在訪問短片中,Jeffery還分享了其自從中學畢業後到成為社工所走過的艱辛歷程。
Live DemoHector, a graduate of 2009, shares how he views an individual should be when facing a business environment that requires innovation and creativity. He also shared his album release and other initiatives2009年畢業校友Hector,就個人面對現今講求創意與創新的營商環境所具備的特質發表了其精闢的見解。在其個人專輯中,還同時分享了其他方面的看法。
Live DemoLexli, a fresh graduate of 2016, shares about her school life in Hip Wo and how she faces her unexpected HKDSE results and how she found her own path way in the Multicultural Teaching Assistant(MTA) programme.在2016年剛畢業的校友Lexli, 分享了她在協和的校園生活和如何面對其意想不到的香港中學文憑試成績和怎樣從多元文化教學助理計劃中找到自己的路向。
Live DemoNg Yu King, a graduate of 2013, shares about his school life in Hip Wo. He obtained a GPA 4.0 in his Bachelor degree in Jinan University Guangzhou. He also shares his points of view on how to develop his own pathway.吳余勁是2013年的畢業生,他分享了在協和的校園生活。他在廣州暨南大學修讀新聞系,並取得GPA 4.0的優異成績。他同時分享了他如何發展其個人路向。
Live DemoMohit, a graduate of 2012, shares how his passion for music lead to where he is and become a familiar name in DJ scene. He recounted how he strived for advancement despite adversity in through music. 本校2012年畢業校友Mohit分享了他如何憑著對音樂的喜愛與熱情,在逆境中不斷奮進,克服一個又一個困難,從不放棄追尋其理想,終於成就了他成為今天香港(DJ)界的著名唱片騎師。
Live DemoAlex, a graduate of Class 2013, is set to embark on a journey of becoming an educator concentrating in the discipline of Mathematics in 2018. Alex, a local Chinese, is one of the many examples in Hip Wo whom enjoyed and benefited from the “Multiculturalingual” schooling environment. In this human library episode, Alex shares how the languages and multicultural values have helped him to prosper in his learning mileage and embark on his noble career. 江嘉俊,是本校2012-13年度之畢業生。在2018年,他準備踏上成為一個專注於數學學科的教育家的旅程。他是地道的中國人,是眾多受惠於協和“多元文化”教育環境中的一個例子。在這集協和人物誌中,Alex分享了語言和多元文化價值幫助他在學習中獲得成功,引領他走上了高尚的職業生涯。
Live DemoMahroof, a graduate of Class 2012, was one of the first few NCS students who completed his degree in Taiwan and achieved his numerous fleet of success despite facing a poor HKDSE result. Mahroof is one of the many examples in Hip Wo whom never settled for less and continued to aspire for his dreams despite facing adversity. In this human library episode, he shares how he treasured the learning opportunities he gained from participating in sports both at school and national level and overcame his academic underachievement and continued to seek a pathway for himself. Mahroof是本校2012年的畢業生,也是赴台灣升學非華語學生中最早獲得學士學位者之一。儘管在當年的香港中學文憑試中成績只屬平平,但卻絲毫沒有妨礙他今天的成功。Mahroof是本校眾多在逆境中仍然奮發自強,竭力追尋個人夢想的例子之一,在專訪中,他除了分享如何珍惜機會並從參加球類運動代表隊(校隊及香港隊)中所獲得寶貴收穫與成長外,還將分享如何克服學業方面的難關,不懈追求個人夢想的經歷。
Live DemoJatinder Singh Gill (Class 1999) recalled his schooling experience and struggles with different teachers on his journey from feeling a left-out student to being empowered by his Maths Teacher, Miss Lung Wai Chung (retired) and her quote “Mistakes are to be made, and it should be respected” formed the basis to his zeal for striving for advancement despite adversity. He also answered the questions and positively reinforced the students of different walks of live. Of course, some of his naughty and mischievous incidents were shared with his juniors!! 本校1999年畢業校友Jatinder Singh Gill應邀重回母校接受「協和人物誌」編採人員的訪談,分享了他中學時代,從一個自感被遺棄的學生,到因受得到他的數學老師─龍惠中老師(已退休)的啟迪,深悟「人誰無過?過而能改,善莫大焉。」的道理而由此自我奮發,最終成為今天英國的數學老師的經歷。訪問中,他還給予了學弟妹們許多鼓勵,在自己的求學路上要經常抱持積極的態度。當然,少不了他求學時期的一些頑皮事呢!
Live DemoIssac Kwok Chun Ho (Class 2015) explains why he chose to study in Hip Wo and recalled his learning experience in an authentic EMI environment. In addition, he shares his studying experience for his IT Management undergraduate course and his Taiwan’s nation-wide award winning Travel App competition in 2017. Issac’s story will help you to be more determined and achieve your goals despite numerous adversities you come across. So, have you viewed his Travel App? 2015年畢業校友郭俊豪應邀接受《協和人物誌》的專訪,敘說他當初為何選擇入讀本校及處身於英語學習環境中如何學習的經歷。 訪談內容還包括了他在台灣讀大學的校園與日常生活點滴,並特別與我們分享了他在一項全國性應用程式設計大賽中獲奬的喜悅。筆者相信,郭俊豪校友的故事,將有助於同學們當面對逆境時更加堅定自己的信念,力求實現目標。相信您一定也想看看他的得奬作品吧!請瀏覽最新一期《協和人物誌》的報導!
Live DemoKhan Suskriti, aka, Jenny (Class 2014) was one of the first few NCS students who completed her degree in Taiwan and took good of her four years to fully immerse herself in the Taiwanese Culture. She shares her moments of truth in her studies and her teacher training in Taiwan. Also she discusses her future development in Taiwan. 2014年畢業校友Khan Suskriti(又名Jenny),是本校早期赴台升讀大學的學生之一,也是少數能完全融入到當地文化的非華語學生。目前,她已大學畢業,畢業後準備留在台灣工作,追尋自己的理想。訪談中,她不但分享了在台灣生活及接受英語教師培訓的學習經歷,也談到了為何她會選擇留在台灣發展的決定。您是否也想知道呢?快些瀏覽我們的《協和人物誌》吧!
Live Demo