Delia (HW) Alumni Association


Fortieth Anniversary Culture-Interflow Foundation


Notes on Application


1.        The foundation is open to application by students currently attending Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo).


2.        The activity must be culture-interflow-oriented. The sponsored culture-interflow activity may be conducted in the form of an excursion, a survey, a visit, a conference, experiencing a mode of life, etc.


3.        The sponsored items of expenditure must be directly related to the interflow activity, e.g., transport fares, food and lodging, communications, information, enrolment fees, admission fees, etc. Any item related to personal consuming may not be included in the area for claiming expenses.


4.        An applicant should submit a proposal and a budget to the management committee at least one month before the commencement of the activity.


5.        A successful applicant or organization is obliged to submit a task report and a financial report together with the bills and receipts of expenditure and the remaining cash to the management committee within four weeks of the completion of the interflow activity. A successful applicant or a representative of the organization may be required to attend the annual general meeting of the Alumni Association and share one’s experience with/report the results to the alumni who are present on the occasion.


6.        An applicant may submit an application to the management committee at any time. If the management committee approves the application, the applicant will be informed of the case in writing. If an application is turned down, an appeal may be made to the executive committee. The decision of the executive committee is final.


7.        An applicant should complete the application form to the best of one’s knowledge. An application will not be considered if insufficient data is supplied. The executive committee will examine the data supplied in the application form. If fake information is detected, the application will be void and the case will be transferred to the school authorities for some appropriate penalty.




Delia (Hip Wo) Alumni Association

            40th Anniversary Culture-Interflow Foundation Management Committee